Hipac awarded for the 5th time with the prestigious CONAI – Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi award for ecodesign 2022.

Hipac achieved a score of 14 points, which places it among the 10 most virtuous companies among the 383 companies that participated in the sustainable packaging competition!
All projects were evaluated with the Conai EcoTool, which allows for a simplified LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), i.e. a tool capable of monitoring water consumption, energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the various packaging placed on the market.
The product awarded by the jury was one of Hipac’s premium films, namely the 555 Relive REC60 Rigid in 9 micron thickness, which fulfilled most of the requirements examined by the jury including:
the use of recycled/recovered material,
raw material savings,
optimising production processes,
optimisation of logistics and simplification of the packaging system.
In conclusion, the 555 Relive REC60 Rigid stretch film is a green package, ideal for those companies, such as logistics platforms, that pack pallets manually!